Grant Info
Grant Program
The Illinois Fire Chiefs Association Educational and Research Foundation (the Foundation) awards grants that support Illinois Fire and EMS organizations with education and research which ultimately benefits Illinois citizens. The Foundation is careful in its scrutiny of grant requests and gives priority to grants that result in the widest range of benefit. For example, a county or statewide program that reaches many has a greater likelihood of receiving funding than a program for an individual department or city. Types of grants include:
- Research Grants
- Educational Grants
- Management or Technical Assistance Grants
- Project Initiating Grants
- In-kind Grants
See the Foundation’s Grant Policy and Application document for more information about the grant types and the grant making process.
Complete applications are considered by the Foundation Board during regular meetings. Incomplete applications will not be considered. The Foundation Board generally meets the third Thursday every other month each year – January, March, May, July, September and November. Grant requests must be received at least two weeks prior to a regularly scheduled meeting to be eligible for consideration at that meeting. Grant dispositions – approvals and denials – will be communicated to the grant writer in writing. If a grant is awarded, the Foundation will maintain contact with grant recipients to ensure that the intended purpose of the grant is followed. Upon completion of the program for which the grant was used, a final report of the program’s success must be submitted. Finally, credit must be given to the Foundation for grants that are awarded. The Foundation's name and logo should be printed on all programs, ads and displays created for the program.
For more information regarding the Foundation Grant Program, please contact Director Margi Schiemann at
Grants IFCA Grant Policy & Application