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Incident Safety Officer

Incident Safety Officer (ISO) is an OSFM certification course developed to assist those who are assigned this important and required fire ground safety position understand the skills and knowledge required for this assignment. Those attending this course should have responsibility in this area and desire up-to-date training in the many responsibilities of this position. Prerequisite for OSFM certification is Fire Officer 1, HazMat Operations, and Technical Rescue Awareness certifications.

Class Times:  0830-1630

Cost of Class:  $525.00



click to register - ISO - September 9-13, 2024 - Pleasantview FPD

click to register - ISO - November 11-15, 2024 - Mt Prospect FD



General Mailing Address:                       Remittance/AR  Address:

PO Box 7, Skokie, IL 60076-0007           PO Box 4424, Lisle,IL 60532
Tel: 847.966.0732
Fax: 847.966.0782

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