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Training Program Manager

Training Program Manager (TPM) is a Illinois certification course aimed at those who wish to understand all areas of management of an emergency service training program. This certification is ideal for those who serve as training officer or instructor for the fire department. The TPM course focuses attention on conducting agency needs assessment, compliance with specific programs such as SCBA, driver training, live fire training and many other high-risk areas of training programs. Using the department needs assessment as a guide, the TPM will be able to develop a master schedule for training, and analyze existing and proposed programs to insure that all regulatory issues are included in the training program.

Prerequisite for certification is Instructor 2 and 5 years’ experience as an instructor.

Class Times:  0830-1630



TPM - Blended Learning - DATE TBA - LOCATION TBA

General Mailing Address:                       Remittance/AR  Address:

PO Box 7, Skokie, IL 60076-0007           PO Box 4424, Lisle,IL 60532
Tel: 847.966.0732
Fax: 847.966.0782

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